Owner and editor of the website:
PHLOX Corp. 360, rue Louis Berton - 13290 Aix-en-Provence FRANCE
Tel.: 33 4 42 90 76 20 - Fax: 33 4 42 90 76 21
R.C.S. 403 778 137 R.C.S. Aix en Provence
SIRET: 403 778 137 00055
Code APE: 2229A
S.A. au capital de 149.095,00€
Publisher: Christophe Blanc

Director: Libertad.fr - Site Hosting: Amen.

Purpose of the website: www.phlox-gc.com is the official website of the company PHLOX Corp.
Terms of use:
The website www.phlox-gc.com works with major browsers (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera) and on mobile devices such as the iPhone or iPad. Some pages may contain: - PDF documents (to read these documents, you will need Acrobat Reader). - Videos (to play these videos you need the adequate plugin).

This website can not be held for responsible for errors encountered during navigation, technical problems, interpretation of information published and consequences of their use. Consequently, the user admits using this information under his exclusive responsibility.

The user may be required during his navigation to external sites via hyperlinks. The content of these external websites does not depend on the company PHLOX Corp. PHLOX Corp. reserves the right to change or modify the contents of this website at any time without notice.

Personal data - GDPR compliance
This website does not use cookies or any tool that would collect visitor’s personal data neither track any behavior without an explicite agreement. We do not sell nor hand over any data or personal data to any company for any external use without an explicit agreement from the visitor. We only receive information sent by visitors, who generally are professionals and have industrial needs, on our “contact“ and “quotation request“ forms.

This information which has a commercial purpose is stored in our internal servers for 6 years. Phlox products are distributed by third party companies worldwide. So, we may share information posted by a visitor with the third party distributor concerned by the request made through our website forms (generally because of a geolocation concern). The only purpose of that sharing is to give the fastest and best response to our visitor’s demand.
Users are informed of this possibility by a notice on our website forms.

Data received by these means are stored and protected with the same level of protection that the rest of our data in our internal system.

Contacts can be made directly through our distributors’ email address by clicking on a hyperlink present on our website. We are not responsible for third party companies’ use of this communication. Also, using your mail to contact us, you send your e-mail address that is registered in our files. At any time and upon request from you, it can be modified or deleted.
In accordance with the GDPR, you have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete your personal data.
You can exercise this right by sending an email to gdpr@phlox-gc.com or a letter to the following address: 360, rue Louis Berton - 13290 Aix-en-Provence FRANCE

Intellectual property and counterfeiting
Any reproduction or total or partial representation of this website (text and images) by any means without the express permission of the site owner or his legal representatives is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by Articles L335-2 and following the Code of intellectual property.